Here we go again

Posted on 29 August 2013

I'm giving this blog thingamajiggy another ago. My rantings on blogspot have long been dead and I have lost count of how many times I tried to set up a Wordpress blog. I bought themes. I modified them. And then I modified them again. This went on and on until I eventually gave up. I gave Tumblr a shot for a while but I never really warmed up to it.

I've been slowly switching my work's projects from Codeigniter to Laravel and I happened to stumble upon Wardrobe. I've decided to see if this simple, clean blogging tool can help me overcome my perpetual writer's block. I've modified the theme with the default stylings of Bootstrap 3.

So here we go again...

EDIT: This didn't exactly go to plan due to various things. Oh well, here we go again.. again.

EDIT 2: This blog is now powered by Katana.